Somaliland suspends relations with the United Nations among rising social tensions

African Arguments published a short version of this article with a focus on the UN, and a similar, slightly improved version of this article appeared on,

On October 25, 2020, Somaliland authorities suspended their relations with the United Nations and banned its activities ‘until further notice’. While the frustration of the thirty-year old unrecognized state with the UN can easily be understood, this move is unlikely to bring any benefit to the country. Somaliland is gradually developing into a clan-based autocracy. President Bihi maintains a balance among the ruling elites by granting and revoking business licenses and political positions, but this clientelist system produces little economic growth and offers no scope for political renewal. The youth is increasingly disaffected. The President instead blames the country’s problems on the lack of direct access to international funding and is increasing the pressure on the international community.

One week earlier, on October 17, the cabinet of Somaliland’s President Muse Bihi decided not to restore the landing rights for direct flights from the unrecognized state’s capital Hargeisa to Dubai by Air Arabia and Fly Dubai, citing legal difficulties. The details of the underlying conflict provide a clear window into Somaliland’s politics and how they affect, and are affected by, clan and business interests.

A Fly Dubai airliner on the tarmac of Hargeisa in better times
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The aid expectations gap: political analysis and how to deal with it personally

This article was reposted by the International Humanitarian Studies Association

This morning I spoke with an evidently motivated and capable, but thoroughly disheartened foreigner working on Somalia for an international agency. She had made great plans for the development of the sector she was entrusted with, but these had mostly come to nothing because of the non-cooperation of local authorities. Her activities were blocked by the national counterpart of her agency, which was a domestic institution which she herself had helped set up and fund. Protocol within her own organization made it mandatory for her to work through that agency which was blocking any chance for her to reach out to other prominent actors that she found worthy of support.

Chewing qat in the former residence of the British agent in Sheekh

I’m currently staying in Mogadishu, Somalia, outside the heavily fortified airport – known as ‘MIA’ for Mogadishu International Airport by foreigners, and ‘Halane’ by Somalis – where foreigners invariably remain cloistered. I’m having conversations with artists, youth, cultural producers, local and national authorities and visiting the cultural sites of the capital. This is a particularly nice consultancy: a scoping study for a small European donor intent on spending its money smartly. Mogadishu is bursting with energy and full of promise. Because few foreigners leave MIA, and donors generally don’t place much confidence in what Somalis tell them, I’m enjoying being an observer with privileged access to my field of study, which is the same as that of the disillusioned international agency worker, whose access is barred by mostly bureaucratic reasons (no, it is not so unsafe in Mogadishu today). Here I will try to elucidate the nature of the problem she faces, which is encountered today by many aid workers; the roots of the problem lie in what I call an expectations gap.

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Contemporary Art in the Gulf

Here is the full text of the book I published in 2013, called ‘Contemporary Art in the Gulf – an Introduction’.

Ibrahim Quraishi: A possible point of departure

And here is the Table of Contents:

7: Foreword
11: Contemporary Art in the Gulf
29: A Cultural History of the Arabian Peninsula
47: Saudi Arabia
69: Kuwait
87: Bahrain
99: The United Arab Emirates
119: Qatar
129: Oman
137: Where the Gulf is Heading


My dissertation co-director no longer hostage in Iran

UPDATE: on 20 March 2020, on the eve of Nauroz, Roland Marchal was freed from prison, in exchange for the liberation of an Iranian engineer arrested in France for allegedly violating US sanctions on Iran. Although he has generally kept quiet since then, arriving in Coronavirus-confined France, he gave a moving interview to French public radio-TV on 8 April.

Fariba is still in prison (on 15 April) but apparently she’s feeling much better, not only physically but also for having been put in charge of the woman’s section of Evin Prison library, which she says ‘is not at all bad’.

Roland Marchal, probably the major French specialist on Somalia and the Horn of Africa, was taken hostage by Iran’s revolutionary guards, together with Fariba Adelkhah, another researcher belonging to the Centre de Recherches Internationales, to which I am also affiliated. Following is the text of the Fariba and Roland Support Committee, that we publish on the eve of the celebration of the Iranian revolution (11 Feb). We request the Iranian leader to free both researchers and all other prisoners in Iran who have been unjustly detained.

There is no indication that either researcher was targeted for what they wrote; Fariba has worked as a researcher in Iran for years, sometimes being harassed by security services but never imprisoned. Roland didn’t even work on Iran. They were clearly taken as hostages in the geopolitical game opposing Iran and the West.
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‘Just wars’ and the moral imperative to intervene in other states – historical overview

This is part of my PhD draft chapter containing the theoretical framework for my thesis. Asking why some countries intervene in other countries, it examines the ancient history of intervention and the ethical or moral grounds given until recently.

Prince Siddhartha secretly leaving his palace at night to seek enlightenment. Gandhara sculpture from North Pakistan, 3rd-4th century.

As a legal concept, the use of forceful intervention has a long history. The Mahabharata (probably dating from the 8th or 9th century before the Common Era) contains a long discussion of dharmayuddha, or ‘righteous war’. The principles agreed on include proportionality, just cause, just means and fair treatment of prisoners[1].

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Academic research in conflict zones under threat

This is a synthesis of my presentation on Wednesday 15 January to fellow doctoral students at the Centre de Recherches Internationales (CERI)/Sciences Po Paris.

Recently Sciences Po University announced it will impose restrictions on the travels of all doctoral students outside France. Students will need to obtain a ‘Mission Order’ which will probably be a mere formality for travels within Europe but will present difficulties when going to conflict areas. In general, the advice of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be followed. I presented my own research activities in Somalia to a group of doctoral researchers of the CERI and we then discussed the impact these and other legal compliance measures might have on academic research activities.

Background on my research activities in Somalia

I enrolled in the PhD program at Sciences Po with as research subject the impact of international state-building interventions in Somalia in 2016, at the same time as I started a full-time job as head of research and analysis at an NGO working in Somalia. The job allowed me to develop a deep understanding of Somalia (and Somaliland, where I was stationed) and to build a network of Somali contacts; but I didn’t find time to do much research. After letting my first two precious years of PhD time slip through my hands I resigned. I was living with my family in Ethiopia and had to find ways to return to Somalia to accomplish my field research.

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Al Shabaab bans plastic bags

Late June 2018 the Somali insurgent movement Al Shabaab announced a ban on plastic bags, citing environmental concerns and the impact on livestock. In my travels through Somalia, I have noticed extensive plastic bag pollution. The first cause of death for camels in the United Arab Emirates is plastic bags (see an article in The National or a short analysis here), and undoubtedly they cause many deaths in Somalia too. Camel raising is a main source of wealth in Somalia. So a ban on plastic bags, whoever declares it, should be greeted with relief.

Mogadishu’s beaches are full of plastic and other litter

Remarkably, the few international media that reported on it, as well as almost all social media comments, ridiculed the decision. See for example the New York Times report which gives some examples of the laughter generated about the ‘first eco-terrorist group’.

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Business Community of Mogadishu under fire

In brief: the IMF has congratulated the Federal Government of Somalia on its progress on revenue collection and other reforms it considers necessary. It has also suggested that the government increase its regulation of the Somali Telecoms sector, an often-repeated request of the international community, worried about Al Shabaab’s use of mobile money services. Meanwhile, the insurgent group has been engaged in a taxation war with the Islamic State. In the middle of these contentions, between a rock and a hard place, stands Mogadishu’s successful business community.

Pizza House in Hodan has considerably expanded since it was attacked by Al Shabaab a few years ago. It’s a favorite hangout of Mogadishu’s youth
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Mysterious sculptures from Somaliland

A farmer reportedly found these sculptures on his land in the hills above Berbera, and I secured them for future research. I have pledged to keep them in Somaliland and accessible to experts, although for the time being I have not decided to which institution I will give them. When the municipality of Berbera opens a planned museum and the conditions there are considered appropriate for conservation, safety and display, they can go there; in the meanwhile a university in Hargeisa may be entrusted with their care.

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Critical reading of latest UN Security Council deliberations on Somalia

At times it appears that United Nations analyses of local situations have become increasingly divorced from ground realities. This becomes apparent when one critically reads briefings to the Security Council, which often are closely reflected in subsequent Security Council resolutions.

In 2002, when I was political affairs officer for the UN mission in Afghanistan, I was charged with the compilation and writing of the weekly situation reports that were sent to the UN’s Department of Political Affairs, including the Secretary General’s office. Continue reading