The story of the car wrecks from Mutanabbi Street

This is one of my first ‘contemporary art’ activities I undertook after leaving Afghanistan. For a more readable version please download the pdf here.

Irex the Itinerary p1 Irex the Itinerary p2

The wreck that was not used for the ‘Bomb Wreck Jewelry’ project by Jonas Staal went on to be used, with much more fame, by Jeremy Deller, who toured it through America, from the New Museum in New York through Texas to the West Coast, as part of his ‘It Is What It Is’ project. Sadly, he did not acknowedge the previous history of the wrecks, except their origin in Baghdad.

Deller in front of wreck New MuseumLater that wreck was sighted in the Imperial War Museum Manchester. I don’t know what has become of it now.

As an afterthought, here is a photograph by Hatif Farhan Farhan of the statue of Mutanabbi, at the end of Mutanabbi street along the riverbank.



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